I don't really think I'm a heroine, don't worry. I've just loved that phrase ever since I was a kid and read The Enchanted Castle by E. Nesbit. One of the characters in the book, Gerald, says things like that about himself all throughout. "To brush his hair and his clothes and to wash his face and hands was to our hero but the work of a moment." It struck me as really funny in an arrogant sort of way, and I've thought things like that about myself ever since. "To get out of bed when her alarm clock rang, was to our heroine the work of a moment."
Well, basically, I just want to say that I love my country. I've felt pessimistic about our future for a long time, but figuring out exactly what I believe politically and where the left has it wrong is really helping. I do believe that we are the greatest country in the world, and we have power to make the world a better place.
It's just so sad to me that Democrats (many of whom are good people) are focusing on such trivial issues instead of the really important things. Most of the things they focus on are based on lies. It's a lie that women are paid less than men for the same jobs. Women are paid less than men overall because many choose (yes, it is their choice, not yours, Mr. President)- to take time off work to care for their babies. Also, statistics saying that women are paid less than men don't take many variables, like different positions in a company, into account. So why is this even an issue? Why are feminists making videos with little girls spewing vile language to propagate this lie? It's a lie that raising the minimum wage will help people. It will hurt nearly everyone. It's a lie that black people are mistreated on a regular basis and that the goal of the police is to shoot them all. I hate it that our President is polarizing our country over things like race when I listened to his speech from 2004 and he said that he wanted to unify our country in every way.
I get it. It's easy to run with your emotions. Democrats may truly believe that they are more compassionate- but that's just not the case in the long run. They need to think about the long-term effects of their policies.
I've talked to some people lately, especially young people, who said they weren't voting because they didn't believe that it would make a difference. They said that they thought Democrats and Republicans are all the same, that it's all a farce, that the country is controlled by rich people. It made me want to bang my head against the wall.
You know something else that really, really bothers me? The fact that kids in public schools are regularly taught that our country is terrible. They aren't taught about the honorable, intelligent, courageous men who founded it. Instead, they're taught that we mistreated everyone, and that we still do today.
I listened to an a political ad by a regular citizen (in a contest) today that made me cry, and I felt a little silly about it and had to think about why. It was a woman saying that her grandfather was a German who was an American POW in World War 2. The Americans treated him so well that he vowed to become a citizen of the nation that would treat prisoners with such kindness. It made me realize that we are kind and good, and we have a long history of being that way, no matter how leftists try to portray us. And I want us to keep making that kind of difference in the world. This is what matters. Free birth control for women doesn't matter. Thousands of people getting brutally beheaded matters. President Obama should never have pulled our troops out of Iraq, making it possible for ISIS to flourish. And you want to vote for the people who supported him? The people who supported this guy who can only talk about trivial things and lies even in the face of enormous human tragedy? I don't believe we should just stay here and mind our own business and let the rest of the world go. I'm proud to be a citizen of a nation that has been involved in world conflicts, has stopped dictators from mistreating people, and has made the world a safer place. I truly hope that Republicans gain the majority in the Senate today, because I think that is the first step to stopping the worst makeover in history- the makeover and deterioration of my country. I believe that there is hope and that change is possible- and it's in spite of President Obama, not because of him.
Good post. Thanks.