I have a problem.
I already confessed to being overly
nostalgic. If I go on like this, my blog will become one long-drawn-out
confession- with one hundred amendments. You'd read it, though, because you
like reading people's confessions. I know you. If you had your way, you'd be a
priest behind a little booth, listening to people's darkest secrets all day
long. You'd be in Full Time Priestly Ministry, just so you could.
Well, that's too bad, because my problem
(this problem) is only that I edit my blog posts too much. But it really is
awful. I look at my stats and the views are MOSTLY Android. The VAST MAJORITY
are. (Android= me.)
By the way, I can't tell if you,
specifically, read my blog. So don't worry. By the way, I like it when people
read my blog (although I don't really like it when they talk to me about it).
So why were you worried anyway?
I wrote a poem about the Unknown (Known)
Soldier last Tuesday, and I was still editing it on Saturday. I'm still not
happy with it. My meter, rhyme and the lengths of my lines are all wrong. While
I can shout "POETIC LICENSE", the truth is, I don't really know what
I'm doing, and so, I just do whatever I want. It doesn't sound forced, at
least. But it IS very sentimental. But- I'M very sentimental. Today I watched
people proposing on T.V. and IT MADE ME CRY. I DON'T EVEN WANT TO GET MARRIED.
I have decided not to edit this post once.
I will post it and that's that. An unedited post- that will be my punishment
for overediting.
My thoughts have also been edited recently.
A lot. I'm thankful, because when I think my own thoughts, they're almost
always wrong. Exaggerated, distorted, or flat-out lies.
I'm taking a Bible class (online, with
Regent University) that has been really helpful to me. It's called The Making
of the Christian Mind, and it's about the Christian worldview. I'm learning-
through this class, my pastor, and even more through experience- how much I
need to be "renewing my mind" with God's Word. I say I believe all
the things I'm supposed to believe: about God, myself, the Devil, life. Of
course I say that. But the things that I Actually Think are often very
I've been struggling with discouragement
and even depression for a while. Because I was thinking my own thoughts. Plain
and simple.
Something Dr. Mark Minnick said one time
was a great encouragement to me. I can't remember his exact words, but he told
us that we are pleasure loving people, and we should read the Bible for
pleasure. It was almost like: it's okay. There's nothing wrong with that.
I know there's a lot of feel-good
Christianity floating around these days. And I don't agree with the Joel and
Victoria Osteens of the world. (Specifically of America. I think it's almost
exclusively an American-Christian attitude.) Because the Christian life IS
hard, and it's all about God- it's not all about us. So it makes me feel like
it's wrong to try to enjoy Christian things, or to make them easier. I must be
a soldier marching forward. Stalwartly.
I love to have fun, read good books, watch
movies, listen to music. So I just feel conflicted-the things I want to do
aren't the things I should do, and it's hard to resist the fun things when I
just view Christian things as duty.
Now that I've said that, I hate it, because
if you had told me that reading the Bible and praying is duty, I would have been the first to
contradict you. It's not duty, we do it because we love God. Because we want to
have a relationship with Him. But I do think of it as duty, often. Like a
checklist item, and I'm-a-bad-person-if-I-don't.
Meditation is especially hard. I've heard
(or had) lots of ideas. Carry a verse around on a notecard. Think about a verse
you've memorized every time you pass the same spot. Carry an object like a
pebble in your pocket to remind you. Read it and think about it at the top of
the hour, or on all your breaks.
But, remembering to do it is hard, and
actually doing it is even harder. Say you run into your most irritating
coworker at 12:58. He tells you in so many words that you didn't do your job
right. You snap back at him. Do you read your verse 2 minutes later, at the top
of the hour? You're much better than me if you do.
I found an easier way. I do struggle with
the idea of making these things easy. But I'm thankful for Pastor Minnick's
words because (as I know he is a very wise person) I can see that it's okay to
enjoy the Bible. It's okay to make it easy and fun to study it. It's okay to go
to my favorite spot in the park to pray when I look forward to it all day, and
I know most of that is just looking forward to being in that spot. I think he
also said that he got coffee with lots of whipped cream and drank it while he
read the Bible in the mornings. The hard part is getting-going. Do it, do it in
an easier way, but ultimately because you love God.
I feel kind of snotty when I talk about my
job, sometimes. It's like, HAHA, I get candy and you don't. I'm really so
fortunate to be able to clean mindlessly and listen to anything I want. I can
basically educate myself in any subject, listen to fiction, or listen to my
favorite music, and I’m earning money at the same time.
But the Bible is more profitable than
anything else, and I need it. Desperately. I just got rid of Spotify because it
was an almost-impossible choice. Endless music of all kinds versus the Bible.
Now, I've been listening to Ephesians 1-2
on repeat, and it's been so, so good. I think if I do it every day, I'll have
it memorized by the end of the week. I really haven't realized how much God has
given me in salvation. These things certainly weren't included in any of my
liar-thoughts. Listen to this:
Blessed in Christ with every spiritual
blessing in the heavenly places
Chosen in Him before the foundation of the
Predestined in love for adoption as (a
daughter) through Jesus Christ
Given redemption through His blood and the
forgiveness of my trespasses
Grace lavished upon me
The mystery of His will made known to me
Obtained an inheritance
Predestined according to the purpose of him
who works all things according to the counsel of His will
Sealed with the promised Holy Spirit who is
the guarantee of my inheritance until I acquire possession of it
Called to hope
He has immeasurable greatness of power
toward me (resurrection power)
Loved with a great love
Made alive together with Christ
Saved by grace through faith- the gift of
Raised up with him and seated in heavenly
places in Christ Jesus
His workmanship
Created in Christ Jesus for good works,
which God prepared beforehand
Once far off, brought near by the blood of
Peace with God
The dividing wall of hostility broken down
Reconciled to God by Christ through the
Access in one Spirit to the Father
No longer strangers and aliens- fellow
citizens with the saints and members of the household of God
Being built together into a dwelling place
for God by the Spirit
The best part? I've actually been able to
talk to people in a cheerful way lately. I have often felt very discouraged
over BEING discouraging. I really can't be fakely happy, at all. Now, with the
knowledge of everything God has done for me- with thankfulness over it- I don't
have to be fake about it.
There will be hard days, again. But if I'm
listening to God's thoughts, instead of thinking my own- I can get through them
with a smile. Maybe with some encouraging words for you. That's my job too-
encouraging you- and I certainly don't want God to fire me for slacking.