from the book of Proverbs, my relationship with the Old Testament has been like
my relationship with a great aunt in North Dakota. I don't have a great aunt in
North Dakota, but if I did. She would be the Old Testament, and I would be me.
Just doing my thing over here in South Carolina, blissfully unaware, but asking
who that lady was when we all got together every third Christmas.
you judge me for comparing the Old Testament to a great aunt, think about the
fact that the Bible gets compared to lots of things, mostly love letters from
beloved ones that you wouldn't just shove into a closet without reading. Is a
love letter a better analogy for the Bible than a great aunt? Yes. It is. Do I
have to come up with analogies comparable to the analogies that preachers come
up with? No. I don't. They're preachers, and I'm just a person. Just a person
scribbling on a blog writing everything that comes into my silly head, and
that's why you've stopped reading by now, because no one would waste their precious
time reading this no one would NO ONEEEEE.
I would like to tell the survivors of my last paragraph that I'm working on
something that WILL be worth reading!
first novel.
I estimate that it will take me a year to write, AT LEAST, probably several
years, MOST LIKELY. But I've been plotting all day and it is finally under way,
and I'm very excited!
great thing about writing this novel (which will be sort of suspenseful
Biblical fiction) is that it is MAKING me delve into the Old Testament. It's
going to be set in David's time, and it will specifically be about
Mephibosheth's son, Mica. The Bible tells us one thing about Mica. Here it is.
Samuel 9:12 And Mephibosheth had a young son, whose name was Mica.
I love it!! Basically this gives me COMPLETE LEEWAY to create Mica and his
entire story! Of course, there are several Biblical stories surrounding Mica,
who is closely tied to his father Mephibosheth, as well as to Jonathan (his
grandfather) and to King David. Fascinating stories, I might add. I read
commentaries on them until 2 AM last night. Then I got up late to go to work.
That's bad. I can see that writing a novel is going to take all kinds of
1.Planning 2. Discipline 3. Self-control.
prayer. Because as elated as I sound- and I am- there's no way I can do this on
my own. I need help with ideas, research, writing, and certainly any success in
getting my book published. I want to write a book that will draw my readers in
with an intriguing story, and make them realize that David was real- that the
people in the Bible were real. They had personalities, emotions, and senses of
humor (or not) just like we do. They struggled and made mistakes and chose to
follow God (or not). I want to make the time period come alive for everyone
reading it- to be as accurate as I possibly can- and most of all to point
people to God, who is the same today as He was in David's day!
not exactly sure why I'm telling you about all of this already. It probably
would have been wiser to keep it hush-hush until I actually wrote it and got it
published- if I did- and THEN to talk about it. But, I usually write about the
things that I'm thinking about, and I’M THINKING ABOUT THIS. It's actually been in the back of my mind for a loooooong
time. Because when people write Biblical fiction, they usually write stories
set in Jesus' day. And I think it would be really unique and educational- for
me at least- and A LOT OF FUN to delve into the ancient history of Israel and
write a book set in it (sneakily teaching people about it in the middle of a
fascinating- I hope- fictional story!).
now I'm trying to imagine Mica and get to know him, in a sense. I'll share some
of my brainstorming with you. I haven't gotten very far in answering these
questions, and I'm going to have to read EVERYTHING I can get my hands on about
this time period and about David's life.
I already know: He's a boy with a prosperous, good-hearted, humble, lame father
(Mephibosheth) who has the king's protection. He eats at the king's table,
deals with the reality of a famine and watches as his father's cousins die for
the sins of their grandfather (Mica's great-grandfather) Saul. He contends with
jealousy from one of Ziba's sons (fictional). He deals with conflict between
Ziba and his father.
I need to answer:
his objective?
he learning to trust in God?
is he learning to do for a living? Does he take his father's prosperity (from
David's hand) for granted? What about when his father loses his possessions to
is his personality like? Is he introverted or extroverted? What does he care
is he being educated?
will the main conflict of his story be?
are his goals before and after the conflict? How is his life disturbed?
old is he, what about marriage?
are the rules of his society/ home? Does he try to challenge the norms of his
does his name mean? What toys did he play with when he was little? What kind of
food does he eat? What does his house look like? And all kinds of other
him funny or make one of his friends funny…
EVERYONE in the story interesting and relatable!
I don't know if I should be writing these things on my blog- and I’m sure it's
as boring to read all of this as it would be if I'd written Five Ways to
Cultivate Cucumbers- but I can't write about anything else on here because I’m
not thinking about anything else right now! Like I said, it will be AT LEAST a
year before I finish this book- I'm thinking about making one year the goal.
But since it requires significant research (maybe even a trip to Israel? Now
THAT would be AWESOME), I don't know if a year will be long enough! I thought
about writing a different book first, maybe a novel about American kids or
Haitian kids, but I JUST CAN'T. This is what I've been feeling passionate
about… for a long time… so… this is going to be my first novel! If you're still reading this… you must be my
friend or something to CARE SO MUCH!! Now I'm going to stop talking about it
and get to work on it and I'll tell you all about it next year or two or three
when I publish it… I hope!… aaaaaaaand you've now MADE IT to
Sorry about all of the caps and exclamation points… I wouldn't normally do that
to you but… I just can't help it right now!
I'm still going to write on this blog every Tuesday, but I might write short
posts because I might be a little… DISTRACTED
you'll probably say, as Marley and Marley
said in Muppets Christmas Carol: "That was terrible. It was awful.
It was….. SHORT. WE LOVED IT!"
No promises though. I'm sure this is just my novel writing honeymoon and I'll
settle down soon enough. And I'll be back here writing long posts about
everything that I'm thinking about, once again.
What are all the P's for anyway? Am I doing that right? If you know, please
comment and tell me below, yes, comment,
in that comment box right down there. Yes, I KNOW, it is TERRIFYINGGGG
to comment on such a blog as this. You'd practically be admitting to…
READINGGGGG ITTTTT. But if you don't tell me that I'm doing it wrong, I'll keep
right on doing it wrong, and the whole world will grind to a screeching halt,
and it will be
You can comment about other things too. Blog comments are my love language. Now
that you know that, you're feeling extra extra extraly scared to comment, and I
don't blame you. It's okay. Don't, if you'd rather not. I will let you stalk my
blog quietly like the quiet blog stalker that you are. *Guilt Trip*
*Namecalling* Well I'm a liar because I said that it was the end, and it wasn't,
so I don't even deserve a blog comment, anyway. *Pity Party*
S. I don't actually care whether you comment or not. *Tough Act*
S. I just noticed that I started this post talking about the Old Testament,
which comprises over half of God's sacred, inspired Word, and it has
degenerated to THIS. Please come back next week. I will be much more sane and
able to communicate much more clearly about much more compelling things. Like I
said. I'm in novel writing honeymoon. I'll be back. You'll be back. Because you
know that I won't be like this forever. Right? Okay. Good. *Feels Reassured*
*Going to Talk to Mica Now*
Wow,that's such a cool idea!! You're doing a really great job so far. Don't give up on it, really.
ReplyDeleteLove Tam