I'm starting a new blog, Fighting Words, for things I learn from the Bible that I want to share with you. It's ireadatsixam.blogspot.com. There's nothing there, but there will be. Tomorrow. First thing. In the morning.
Yes, that's right. I am the proud owner of TWO blogs. I'm thinking about starting a third anonymous one. (I do this a lot.)
(But that high-hopes-crashing thing that usually happens is NOT GOING TO HAPPEN.)
(I can do this.)
I have decided to write something on Fighting Words every day. I promised you I'd write on Conditional Me Writing Unconditionally every Tuesday, and I have written (almost) every Tuesday. Why? Because YOU READ IT. That's why. Because I know that you know my blog name, and it says I write on Tuesday. And if I wait till Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday, I can't deal with the guilt. I can't look at my laptop. I CAN'T FUNCTION. I want to become a Democrat. That's how bad it is.
So if Conditional Me forces me to write once a week, Fighting Words could force me to get up, read the Bible, and tell you about it, every day. It's one of the hardest things for me to do. I'm a night owl. But I'm going to change that.
Good night.
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