Saturday, August 29, 2015

New Blog

Every so often, I do this.

Obviously, I didn't keep up with this blog. It makes me sad because now it is littered with promises like broken and empty bottles ("I will be here, every Tuesday, for the rest of my life.")

I want to be perfect, and I want to do everything I say I will do. But I can't make promises any more because I can't promise that I will keep a promise. I liked the idea of writing a sort of chronicle of my life and thoughts, one post a week, at least. I thought I'd be 80, in a wheelchair, writing my blog post on a Tuesday. But I'm not even 30, and I'm quitting already.

There is just one thing I don't regret about abandoning this blog: I was never completely satisfied with the domain. "I write on Tuesday." Shouldn't it be "I write on Tuesdays", or maybe, "I write every Tuesday"?

My new writing day is Saturday. I have two jobs now, so I will be very busy. But I'll make time for this. Maybe not every Saturday... but most. Because writing gives me joy. I'll do it whether you come to see it or not. I'll do it (sometimes- no promises) whether I feel like it or not, whether I feel I have anything good to say, or not.